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Gina Torres

Height: 5' 10
Born 1969 New York City, New York

Gina Torres has more then a few Sci-Fi acting roles under her belt. She played Dr. Amy Ellis on the show M.A.N.T.I.S, Hel in the show Cleopatra 2525 and the god Jasmine on Angel. Nebula on Hercules: The Legendary Journeys,

Torres also has a small roll in the movie Matrix Reloaded

Gina Torres also plays Zoë Warren on the show (may soon be a movie) Firefly.

Is married to actor Laurence Fishburne.

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DVD and Videos

Cleopatra 2525: The Complete Series One
Firefly - The Complete Series (DVD)
Matrix Reloaded: Widescreen Edition

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